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Welcome to the Advance Coatings Wiki. Join me, an EE and IT engineer as I learn how to use these products.

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Please consider this site as an informal 'How To' for our products. It is a testing ground, and any advice here is used at your own risk for the time being.


Here are the top level categories of our pages. These pages primarily serve as a resource for our main website, and are not a core part of the wiki. They can be skipped.

Resin Additives
Miscellaneous Parts

Wiki Specific Pages

Below are more detailed write-ups for certain products.

Safety - Read this page first.


Aliphatic Urethane - A general purpose finish coating.

Epoxy - A highly reactive mixture that forms a strong coat.

Fiberglass - Different types and sold by the roll.

Hull and Deck Putty - A multipurpose polyester adhesive putty.


Application Notes - Instructions on using our products, with real life examples.

Catalyst Chart - Example amounts of Catalyst to add to Polyester Resin.

Hand Lay Up Guide - Tips for Fiberglass Application from the Catalog

General Build Tips

Tools / Misc:

Acetone - A general purpose solvent, for cleaning uncured resins from tools or workspaces.

Catalyst Measuring Syringes - Useful when working with small amounts of resin.

Foam Cutter - An easy to make tool to cut styrofoam.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide - A Hardener/Catalyst for resins.

Mold Release - Wax or Polyvinyl Alcohol.

Nap Roller


Gallery - Image Gallery

SEM Images - Scanning Electron Microscope images of Advance Coatings products.